Joint Army/Air Force ROTC Living Learning Community

The ROTC Living and Learning Community (RLLC) provides students with the opportunity to live in a supportive community of fellow ROTC cadets (from both Air Force and Army ROTC) designed to foster university success through military officer development.

The RLLC features events that will allow members to have direct interactions with cadre members and fellow cadets, as well as information about campus resources such as the library and career services that will help a member be successful on-campus.

Additionally, a limited number of first-year cadets may return and become mentors in the RLLC. This is a great opportunity for incoming students and cadets as they will have a peer resource that has experience in the ROTC program they are joining, has been around campus life for a year, and has insight into the best ways to succeed at ECU and in ROTC.

Quick Facts

  • Residence Hall: Ballard Hall
  • Number of Residents: 50
  • Returning Student Experience: Yes
  • Roommate Pairing? Roommate in RLLC Required

Required Classes

  • ROTC Leadership Lab (Fall and Spring semesters)
  • KINE1000 (Fall or Spring semester)


Cary Ann Reeves | | 252-328-2953

ROTC LLC Application