Education Living Learning Community


The College of Education Living Learning Community gives first-year education students a unique residential learning experience that connects College of Education faculty and staff members and classroom learning with residence life to ease the transition into the ECU community and contribute to their success within the College of Education and beyond.

In addition to in-hall discussions and guest speakers, students in the ELLC will have the opportunity to engage in a number of service and other activities by attending cultural events and by participating in leadership and team-building challenge courses and various social activities in and around the ECU and the local community.

“Living in the Education Living Learning Community played a huge role in assisting me in making friends and adjusting to college life. It provides multiple leadership, personal development, and service opportunities. It’s a once in a lifetime experience that I will always look back on with fond memories. I’m so thankful for the support it provided me.” – Annie Mills, Former Education Living-Learning Community Member and Program Mentor

Quick Facts

  • Residence Hall: Ballard Hall
  • Number of Residents: 50-60
  • Related Major: Yes, Teacher Education
  • Returning Student Experience: Yes, as an Upperclass Mentor
  • Roommate Pairing? Roommate in LLC Required

Required Classes

  • COAD 1000
  • ENGL 1100

To Apply

Application Link:


Dr. Dionna Manning | | 252-328-4126