Music Living Learning Community


The Music Living Learning Community is an exceptional place for music students to thrive by sharing similar schedules, study habits, and love for their art form. Having all music students live together in this unique space builds camaraderie and enhances the success of the members. Based on availability, all freshmen music majors live in the Music LLC and support each other in the challenges common to music majors.

“Living in the Music LLC has been a very positive experience. Living with other music majors is very comforting as we are all trying to meet the demands of being a music major. We often study together for our various music classes and practice together down in the practice room! I really enjoy being surrounded by like-minded individuals who love music as much as I do!” – Molly Griffin


  • Fall semester MUSC 1000 sessions to support academic, professional, and personal success
  • RA and Music LLC Mentor programs to support academic & personal success

Quick Facts

  • Residence Hall: Ballard Hall
  • Number of Residents: 50-60
  • Related Major: Yes
  • Returning Student Experience: For mentors
  • Roommate Pairing? Roommate in LLC Required

Required Classes

  • MUSC 1156
  • MUSC 1186

To Apply

No application needed – all 1st year Music majors are automatically placed in the Music LLC

Contact | 252-328-4281