Theatre & Dance Living Learning Community

The purpose of the Theatre & Dance LLC (T&D LLC) is to help freshmen intended theatre and dance majors succeed at ECU, in the major, and in the profession. The T&D LLC will achieve its goals by supporting a small community of creative students as they experience the advantages of a large university. Similarly students in the T&D LLC will begin their freshman year as part of a growing family while developing many strategies to excel in their field of study.

The components of the T&D LLC include:

  1. Living together in a small group with a shared academic purpose and some shared courses
  2. Living close to the Theatre Arts Center
  3. Planned team building activities
  4. Additional programs in support of the mission of the School of Theatre and Dance.

Quick Facts

  • Residence Hall: Ballard Hall
  • Number of Residents: 20-30
  • Related Major: Yes, declared or intended BFA-Dance, BFA-Theatre Arts, BFA-Theatre Arts Education, BA-Theatre Arts
  • Returning Student Experience: Yes, as a mentor
  • Roommate Pairing? Yes, if also majoring in theatre and dance

Required Classes

THEA 2001, 2002, 2011, 2012

Information and Application

Theater and Dance Living Learning Community Information


Jessica Teague, Assistant Director, School of Theatre and Dance | | 252-328-1212