Dreamers: Allies


Yanira Campos*

Email: Camposy22@ecu.edu

East Carolina University has many scholarships that have been made available through the generous donations of alumni and friends of the university. Scholarship eligibility, criteria, and amounts may change at any time without prior notice. We are proud to award students that are interested in continuing their education at East Carolina University. We hope that all students will grow and succeed in both personal and academic endeavors while at our University.

*Bilingual (Spanish)

Purple Pantry

Purple Pantry, 252-737-5810, purplepantry@ecu.eduhttps://clce.ecu.edu/purple-pantry/.

The mission of the ECU Purple Pantry is to decrease food insecurity among the students of East Carolina University and increase access to other personal care items. Since opening in the late spring of 2018, students have been able to collect their most needed food and hygiene items (free of charge). Members of the ECU community dedicate their time, talent and treasures to create a sustainable resource on campus to combat food insecurity.

Pirate Academic Success Center

Dr. Elizabeth Coghill, coghille@ecu.edu

The Pirate Academic Success Center offers free tutoring, study groups, academic skills coaching, peer academic success coaching, community tutoring, and learning communities for ECU enrolled students. Book online at ecu.accudemia.net, call 252-737-3009, or email tutoring@ecu.edu to contact PASC staff or make an appointment. PASC is located on the second floor (2300 suite) of the Old Cafeteria Complex.

Student Treasure Chest/Dean of Students Office




“The Students’ Treasure Chest is a student-led, philanthropic, fundraising organization that supports students at East Carolina University. ECU Students are invited to apply for a student award through the Students’ Treasure Chest. The award may help the student address an emergency situation or take advantage of an upcoming educational opportunity. Priority will be given to students whose future at East Carolina University may be in jeopardy.”

Melonie Bryan

East Carolina University has many scholarships that have been made available through the generous donations of alumni and friends of the university. Scholarship eligibility, criteria, and amounts may change at any time without prior notice. We are proud to award students that are interested in continuing their education at East Carolina University. We hope that all students will grow and succeed in both personal and academic endeavors while at our University.

UPDATED – Non-US Citizen Opportunities -2022


Marjorie Campo Ringler

Chair and Professor, Department of Educational Leadership

Phone 252-328-4825 email ringlerm@ecu.edu

Marjorie Campo Ringler is leading efforts for ECU to become more Hispanic-serving. She is bilingual Spanish/English with Colombian roots.


We always have room for more allies. Join us in supporting the undocumented population.


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